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dark and cold

美 [dɑːrk ənd koʊld]英 [dɑːk ənd kəʊld]
  • 又黑又冷
dark and colddark and cold
  1. That was a very bad night . It was dark and cold .


  2. It was dark and cold .


  3. In winter , the night is dark and cold .


  4. A.it 's very dark and cold . it 's going to snow .


  5. But when it grew dark and cold and a piercing rain began to fall , she sank into despair .


  6. I love elements of winter solstice , fighting off the dark and cold and hunger with fire and light and feasting and dancing .


  7. Because the country is dark and cold , Weiner was initially skeptical about Iceland 's ranking as one of the happiest nation in the world .


  8. In the sea , the deeper you go , the darker and colder it gets , and it is down there , in the dark and cold , that dangerous things live - the squid and the Sea Serpent and the Kraken .


  9. The dark nights and cold weather are closing in .


  10. All around the house the wind went crying as though it were lost in the dark and the cold .


  11. In this cavity tall pillars and round globules of dark dust and cold molecular gas remain where stars are still forming .


  12. The hall was dark and as cold as a vault and a shivering sentry was leaning against the closed folding doors of what had been , in better days , the dining room .


  13. It was dark and it was cold .


  14. It was dark , smelly and cold inside the fish .


  15. It 'll be dark all day and freezing cold .


  16. But don 't come in winter . It 'll be dark all day and freezing cold .


  17. There had only been a kind of twilight all day , and it soon GREw quite dark , and so bitterly cold , that the skipper took a dram to warm him .


  18. When your days are dark and your nights are cold , when your wings are gone and your heart is torn , when the storm keeps getting stronger and you cannot see the sun , I will rescue you .
